Amaven’s Education Platform seeks to provide a tool to improve wellness for all children and young people. We want all children and young people to feel healthy and have the capacity to succeed in school and life. By adopting a ‘whole school’ approach to nurturing physical and emotional wellbeing, we can improve long term fitness, reduce health inequalities, increase social inclusion and raise achievement for all.
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What we offer
Key features
The Online Portal is the beating heart of Amaven
This is where schools access the resources and features we provide.
It is a secure database, unique to each institution and loaded with exciting perks. The portal is also a comprehensive monitoring system. It contains tools for collecting, presenting, analysing, and tracking pupil fitness.
After every test of physical literacy, the data gets added to a growing record of performance.
Access to
Amaven content
Up to date
pupil profiles
Tracking &
Visualization tools
Videos, Graphs,
Reports & So
Much More
Teaching fundamental
movement skills
Managing difficult
behaviour in PE
Increasing Class
Assessing physical
Training for teachers
One of the biggest challenges facing schools is a lack of specialist training. Often, PE lessons are led by fantastic teachers, who excel in other areas, but lack confidence when delivering a physical curriculum.
With Amaven, schools get access to an extensive library of teaching and training resources. Modules are delivered as bite sized videos, so they’re perfect for busy schedules. Teachers can work at their own pace, at a time that suits them.
All lessons are based on cutting edge research and offer full certification upon completion. If you want to expand, reinforce, or restructure the way you teach physical education, our library is a great resource.
Movement of the day
We’re on a mission to break physical activity out of PE lessons. Studies show consistent movement is hugely beneficial for early development. Kids should be exercising frequently, throughout the day. This reduces prolonged sitting and lowers the risk of obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, and heart disease.
It’s why we developed Movement of the Day, a weekly activity schedule for anywhere, anytime. Amaven delivers five physical tasks per week via the Online Portal. Schools are free to use all or some of these activities.
Each Movement takes five minutes to complete.
This makes them ideal for squeezing in at the start or end of lessons.
Impact Reports
Schools are built on data. Everything from teaching budgets to behaviour logs, quarterly grades, and PE safety reports must be collated and quantified. With Amaven, it’s as easy as highlighting the data you need and picking a suitable format
We help schools keep a record of every physical assessment. In fact, we kick things off by conducting the initial assessment at member schools. This creates a baseline for physical literacy by testing agility, coordination, and balance skills.The data is turned into Impact Reports. Individual and group reports can be shared with parents and governors. These documents may be used to support submissions for PE and Sport Premium Funding.
Features Include:
School, Class & Pupil Reports
Stats for Agility,
Speed, Flexibility
& more
Tracks Over &
Under performers
Share progress
with parents
Home Activities
Unfortunately, PE lessons are limited. Schools must squeeze an extensive curriculum into a short day and physical literacy competes with core subjects like maths and science. This means fitness cannot stop at the sports field.
The government wants kids to exercise for 30-60. This is not enough physical activity. Amaven provides Home Activity videos to help. These clips feature trained coaches and demonstrate simple, safe exercises for a range of abilities.Tasks may be performed indoors or outside. They’re challenging enough to test learners but speedy enough to squeeze in before dinner. Parents can keep track of progress by marking tasks as ‘complete’ on the Online Portal.
Features include:
Helpful prompts
& cues
Advice on
correct form
Onscreen Timer for
Use Gym Apparatus
or improvise!
Parental Engagement
Positive change is only possible with the support of parents. Healthy living starts at home, so schools must work closely with families to ensure consistency and engagement. This is a big task for teachers, but Amaven lightens the load. Parents get a window on progress via their own digital portal. It allows them to track their child’s fitness journey and identify areas of potential improvement. They can access home activity videos, view test scores, and stay on top of school updates.
We also send out regular newsletters and emails. They keep parents informed about everything from nutrition to child development, weight management, safe play, sleep routines, emotional wellbeing, and lots more.